As we approach the middle of the decade, we are starting to see some trends solidify themselves into permanent transformations in the way we live. The pandemic caused a mass migration of activities to the home, and new challenges will keep them there as we head toward 2025. Higher living costs, recessionary markets, and the impact of climate change will all see us continue to do more – and expect more – from the spaces we live in. The landscape of home has permanently shifted and the importance of the home and its role as a place of comfort, sanctuary and protection will grow, fueled by evolving lifestyle trends and societal disruptions.


Symbol of Self


Interiors are evolving to be extensions of personal identity, as consumers creatively turn to decor and aesthetics, transforming their homes into playgrounds of self-expression. Interiors are catching fashion up as personal expression tools; research from paint brand Tint stated that 42% of Australians think that home decor is a better indicator of someone’s personality than their fashion choices. Interiors will take cues from fashion and how we dress ourselves – for example, consumers will pay attention to the finer details, treating everything from lighting to hardware as jewelry for the home. 'Feelgood' accents that embellish and enliven the everyday will permeate the home. Furniture and decor will be dressed and undressed to personalise and soften home goods.


Where do we get our trends from?


Travel is one of the biggest sources of inspiration – international trade shows, visiting overseas retailers, and talking to suppliers and consumers from overseas to see what is happening. Our team just got back from travelling to Heimtex in Germany and also visiting some of our suppliers in Europe and Turkey and visiting retailers to see what is happening. We also work with trend forecasting agencies and collaborate with other designers both in the textile industry and other related industries – flooring, paint, furniture, etc. to see understand what trends they are seeing and how this will follow through to window furnishings.


The art comes down to interpreting the trends that we see from overseas to make them both commercially viable and applicable to the local market. We see all sorts of extravagant and flamboyant ideas, but then as a design team, we need to distill from that what are the key elements that capture the essence while still being classic and livable and reflect the way contemporary New Zealanders live.


Nature Nurture


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Let’s face it, some things are here to stay, and have become enduring classics for a reason. Nature continues to play a big role in home design as we look ahead to next year. A mainstay in our humble abodes, natural elements including plants, botanical prints and colours, aren’t going away anytime soon. But what we’re going to see is this trend evolve and envelope a range of other stories, concepts and ideas, taking organic to a whole new dimension. Because nature isn’t always soft and gentle, or soothing and unassuming. It can also be exciting, lively, playful, sumptuous, and opulent.


In 2023 and beyond, the nature trend will have a link between wellness with organic and cozy materials such as linen, cotton, clay, velvet, and ceramics are key elements for an inviting organic environment. Textured walls become features, and finishes such as limewashing, Venetian plaster, timber paneling and distressed paint effects are making the leap from high-end to mainstream.


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Indigenous art and craft will become more and more influential. Braided grasses and weavings will be everywhere, and First Nations patterns and designs will be featured on wallpapers and textiles. Ocean and underwater influences remind us of our connection to water as a nation of islands. Watery blues, fluid shapes and patterns influenced by kelp and seaweeds, subtle staining and the lustre of seashells brings a sense of calm. Boundaries are blurring between indoors and outdoors, and we are going to see much more soft furnishing items such as curtains and decorative cushions used in indoor-outdoor settings.



Reinvented Heritage


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Revisiting beloved styles past is an industry favorite. As with many trends, eclecticism and maximalism is almost a reaction to the uber-modern and minimalist homes that have been popular for the past decade. While minimalism and the idea of simple living have been the main narrative for many years, maximalist concepts are returning, bringing a new wave of luxury features with it. That said, hyper maximalism might not be on the cards yet – but decorative details are on the rise.


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The economic downturn will see a desire to hark back to bygone eras with a focus on the romantic charisma of the classic English countryside. As we give a nostalgic nod to a beloved era, we will see a lot of soft florals, jacobeans, pastoral scenes and chinoiserie influences. Patterned textiles will take centre stage to create charming and undeniably elegant interiors that welcome people to spend time and feel comforted by their embrace.





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With more focus on creating a productive home environment while maintaining elements of play, homes are moving away from white walls. We are amidst a colourful revolution in the design industry.


A need to feel secure and empowered has unleashed creativity and set ourselves free from regulations. Our individual style emerges as we reject past constraints, resulting in a joyful collision of colour and pattern. The freedom of creative expression and the power of play has the ability to heal. Seeking comfort in whimsy and humour.


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