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If you didn't get a chance to see us in Queensland for the BMAA tradeshow, here's a recap on how it went!


After nearly 12 months of planning, coordination, and ideation we are beyond satisfied with the success of our Maurice Kain and Four Families showcase at the BMAA tradeshow recently held in sunny Gold Coast Queensland. Along with a variety of new and exciting product (yet to come to market) we took the opportunity to feature some of Australia and New Zealands current most popular and beloved curtain and blind fabric choices.


“For a show that only occurs once every few years, we really wanted to push the boundaries of what is considered a traditionalist style tradeshow showcase: an opportunity to show off our innovative thinking not only through product development, but as a company also” – Maya Vivian, Product Developer of Maurice Kain Decorative Fabrics.


Customers who visited our stand would have been greeted by a wide range of exterior educational stories hanging from the rigging above, a purposeful move made by the marketing team to capture the attention of even those that chose to walk past only. Within the stand we showcased a multitude of live educational activations including but not limited to loom weaving conducted by one of our talented in-house designers, and live hand painting conducted by our in-house paint designer from Christchurch New Zealand.


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“We were very excited to introduce our customers to some new recycled innovations which we can expect to hit the market in the coming months which tied in with a very prominent sustainability story we showcased on the exterior of the stand” – Michelle West, General Manager Decorative Division.


Along with the recycled story, we also highlighted our Acoustic range, in-house design, 420cm sheers, natural fibers, curtain and blind coordination, and lastly, new licensed product which comes in the form of the Laura Ashley brand! A new partnership we officially announced to the market a few not long ago. “We are so very excited to bring such a nostalgic and historic brand to the Australasian market across a range of soft furnishing products in a deal facilitated by Laura Ashley’s licensing representative IMG” said Wayne Leslie.


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